Giorgi Aleksidze Tbilisi Contemporary Ballet has been cooperating with Tbilisi Baroque Festival for four years now. In partnership with The Georgian Sinfonietta at this year’s festival we presented Giorgi Aleksidze’s neoclassical performances, which Giorgi Aleksidze staged to the music by Baroque composers, calling this style of dancing, this approach neo-baroque.
Giorgi Aleksidze was a choreographer-innovator, who introduced a different idea of the essence of choreography thanks to his free thinking. He matched each musical style, each approach with a corresponding choreographic language, and this conceptual or stylistic diversity was facilitated by his choice of composers, from the medieval ones to his contemporaries. Giorgi Aleksidze’s neo-baroque and neo-rococo are special. Aleksidze’s neo-baroque ballets are more chamber-style, exquisite and detailed. The language of minimalist, slight movements is closer to the early French school, or historical popular dances. The elements of these dances are gracious, aristocratic, exquisite, they merge with the fabric of the music and create a universe that is saturated with the aroma of that era but, at the same time, is contemporary, new and different.
Our company’s Artistic Director Mariam Aleksidze together with company’s manager and ballet master Marina Aleksidze and teacher-répétiteur Ketevan Mukhashavria, restored these performances staged by Giorgi Aleksidze.
On November 13th at the Royal District Theatre, within the framework of the Tbilisi Baroque Festival 2021, evening of Giorgi Aleksidze’s Neo-Baroque choreography was presented with participation of Giorgi Aleksidze Tbilisi Contemporary Ballet and Guest Artists: Sergei Popov and Vincenzo Capezzuto; Tbilisi State Chamber Orchestra – “Georgian Sinfonietta” and Soloists:Vincenzo Capezzuto (alto), Natalie Perez (mezzo-soprano), Anna Kurdovanidze (harpsichord, organ), Giorgi Kuzanashvili (theorbo, baroque guitar). Artistic Director - Giorgi Kerelashvili.
13 November
Royal District Theatre
Choreography by Giorgi Aleksidze
to the music by J. S. Bach, H. Purcell, A. Vivaldi, A. Corelli, J. B. Lully, A. Marcello
with participation of:
Giorgi Aleksidze Tbilisi Contemporary Ballet and Guest Artists:
Vincenzo Capezzuto, Sergei Popov
Artistic Director – Mariam Aleksidze
Tbilisi State Chamber Orchestra – “Georgian Sinfonietta”
Vincenzo Capezzuto (alto)
Natalie Perez (mezzo-soprano)
Anna Kurdovanidze (harpsichord, organ)
Giorgi Kuzanashvili (theorbo, baroque guitar)
Artistic Director - Giorgi Kerelashvili